Иностранный язык


Иностранный язык

1 / 70

She lived happily _____.

2 / 70

Complete the sentence:
My father _____ drive a car.

3 / 70

We use article the

4 / 70

The plural form of the word «cliff»

5 / 70

Correct use of pronouns
The policeman told … about the bridge.

6 / 70

The correct answer:
I’ll take the doll and 2 badges. How much is that?

7 / 70

He doesn’t smoke now, but he _____________ a lot when he was young.

8 / 70

Report the sentence: „Have you seen John recently?? She asked us

9 / 70

Choose a suitable pronoun:
They are not so young to travel by ____ own car.

10 / 70

Complete the idiom:
To cry for the …

11 / 70

The correct answer:
Are Rolls Royce cars expensive? – Yes, _____

12 / 70

The Participle 1

13 / 70

The sentence formulated correctly is

14 / 70

the correct answer:
July is _____ month in Kazakhstan

15 / 70

The correct use of prepositions
We protested ___ delays ___ delivery ___ the goods.

16 / 70

The sentence with wrong preposition

17 / 70

Define the function of Gerund in the following sentence:
Painting is one of my hobbies.

18 / 70

Report the sentence:
Tom said: “I’m reading Robinson Crusoe”.

19 / 70

Choose the sentence with Participle II:

20 / 70

Choose the right answer:
I’m busy …..a lecture at the moment.

21 / 70

Choose the right verb form:
We thought about……early.

22 / 70

Complete the sentence:
What have we got _____?

23 / 70

Where did she go after that?

24 / 70

Complete the sentence:
I wonder if the weather … fine tomorrow.

25 / 70

Appropriate answer
It is 12:40.

26 / 70

Complete the sentence:
I still feel very tired….in the morning.

27 / 70

Find the correct sentence

28 / 70

Sentence with “Zero Conditional”

29 / 70

The official languages of Canada are English and French.

30 / 70

Modal verb followed by “to”

31 / 70

Find the zero conditional:

32 / 70

The word Canada come from one of the Red Indian languages – Kanatta it means….

33 / 70

Canada is washed by ____________oceans

34 / 70

The correct preposition is:
I checked … a book from the library yesterday

35 / 70

The word Canada come from one of the Red Indian languages – Kanatta it means….

36 / 70

The wrong formed word is

37 / 70

Complete the sentence:
My sister turned the house down but she couldn’t find her key …

38 / 70

Find the word with the meaning of “to travel somewhere by ship”

39 / 70

The verb: Present Simple Passive

40 / 70

Appropriate prepositions:
Children … sixteen years … age are not admitted to the bar … their parents.

41 / 70

Canada became a part of the British Empire in …

42 / 70

the correct articles:
__ man was spending __ month in __ foreign country.

43 / 70

Complete the sentence:
We’re sure….you again.

44 / 70

She lived happily _____.

45 / 70

Choose the correct variant:

46 / 70

Define the part of speech of the underlined word:
She was fond of singing when she was a child.

47 / 70

Choose a suitable word:
Table tennis is an _____ game for two or sometimes four, players

48 / 70

Sentence with a mistake

49 / 70

Last month _________(2,725) people visited the exhibition.

50 / 70

The official languages of Canada are English and French.

51 / 70

The correct prepositions
Sometimes I have problems … work, but … the whole I enjoy my job.

52 / 70

Canada is washed by ____________oceans?

53 / 70

Bob pitch in_________

54 / 70

Bob’s mother was taken to hospital. ________

55 / 70

Where did she go after that?

56 / 70

Canada became a part of the British Empire in …

57 / 70

The head of the state in Canada is the Queen of Great Britain, because

58 / 70

Appropriate answer

59 / 70

Find a general word for the following group

60 / 70

Sentence expressing purpose

61 / 70

The correct variant:

62 / 70

The synonym of “effect”

63 / 70

My classes begin at 2 o clock. It is 1.45, I ______ now.

64 / 70

The best alternative
The nurse is very ______. She spoke ______.

65 / 70

Finish the idiom:
Troubled _____

66 / 70

Complex Subject is not used with:

67 / 70

The head of the state in Canada is the Queen of Great Britain, because

68 / 70

The right verb form is:
Can I borrow that book when you _____ it?

69 / 70

Choose the unreal conditional:

70 / 70

Define the underlined word:
My elder sister enjoys listening to music.

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